Library Leaves - 8
Published on 12 May 2021
This edition of Library Leaves is brought to you by the words ‘Tea Gardens’ and ‘birthday’ and the number 379,280.
Some more great news for MidCoast Libraries. We were successful with a grant application to extend Tea Gardens Library. The grant of $379,280 will enable us to add a large events space with storage and after hours access. This will feature a toilet and small kitchenette. The existing library will also updated. Not only is this wonderful news for Tea Gardens, it’s worth feeling proud of our achievements on securing grant funding.
We have had success in each grant round for the past five years, taking our total funding to $1.31 million. With this impressive sum we’ve significantly refurbished Gloucester Library, secured funding for Forster Library, refurbished Nabiac Library, are undertaking a huge renovation and extension of Wingham Library and we now turn our eyes to Tea Gardens. The grant funding is very competitive and I’m not sure any other local government area could match that achievement. Nice to lead the state and to deliver such significant outcomes for our community.
Another achievement? Library Leaves quietly turned one recently. Born out of the pandemic we’re still going strong. Let's celebrate! Well maybe not that way!!
Some amusing misquotes: My family recall a gentleman who said a relative was on tantalisers. We suspect he meant tranquillisers.
On a train that had broken down my family was regularly informed by the conductor that they were trying to erectify the problem. That could be eye opening.
Here’s one of the best sayings I’ve heard in a long time. It’s Russian: How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans
Have you got any saying or misquotes to share?
By the time you read this I’ll be on a road trip.
French phrase: Quel genre de vacances aimez-vous prendre? (What sort of holiday do you like taking?)
6,000 km over two weeks, three states and one island, borders permitting. Day 1 - 900 km. Why relax when you can squeeze something more in? Our country is large and lifetime is finite. Spare a thought for my travelling companion.
Djurumi. Gapu