Nabiac Library will be closed on Saturday 8 March. Our other libraries will be open as normal.
Borrow, Renew , Reserve
Nabiac Library
1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month
We also have a small but dynamic collection of Dyslexic Fiction. These are a selection of books that is printed in the Dyslexie font, a special font for people with dyslexia. Search our catalogue for dyslexic fiction at MidCoast Libraries Catalogue
The Great Books Festival is held annually over four days to celebrate Library and Information Week. The library brings major authors and illustrators to local schools throughout the region giving many school children the opportunity to meet their favourite authors.
Forster Wednesdays 3pm-5pm
Homework Help runs during the school term. Bookings not required
HSC Study Nights have concluded for 2024.