Suggest an item

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MidCoast Council Libraries welcome purchase suggestions for items not already available within the MidCoast Council Libraries Network. 

Check the Library Catalogue

We place a high priority on satisfying customer suggestions that are consistent with our Collection Development Guidelines.(PDF, 243KB)

Please note, some suggestions may not be available to purchase and due to limited availability of titles, purchase suggestions for large print books, audiobooks and DVDs may not be fulfilled. TV series currently available for streaming cannot be purchased.

Guidelines for selection

Collection resources are provided to cover the widest possible range of content to meet the community’s information, educational, recreational and cultural needs. The focus is on providing the best possible content in the most appropriate format. The Library aims to provide material with divergent viewpoints on issues.

Material and purchase requests will be evaluated on the basis of a combination of the following criteria:

• Existing or predicted customer demand;

• Preference is given to titles published within the last 12 months;

• Relevance within the scope of the collection;

• Suitability of material for the clientele;

• Physical quality – suitability for library usage;

• Cost of the item;

• Currency of the information;

• Authenticity and accuracy of the information;

• Significance of the work;

• Local content and relevance;

• Part of a series;

• Availability of alternative formats;

• Licencing conditions.