In your library
LEGO Legends Club
Tea Gardens Library
Wednesdays 3:30-4:40pm - During school terms
(Begins 5 March)
Nabiac Library
1st, 2nd and 3rd Saturday of the month
Dyslexic Junior Fiction
We also have a small but dynamic collection of Dyslexic Junior Fiction. These are a selection of books that is printed in the Dyslexie font, a special font for people with dyslexia. Search our catalogue for junior dyslexic fiction at MidCoast Libraries Catalogue
Homework Help
Forster Wednesdays 3pm-5pm
Homework Help runs during the school term. Bookings not required
National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime
Spark! Discovery Boxes
Spark! Discovery boxes are intended to enhance child, family and community access to age-appropriate, quality scientific equipment. Each kit is designed to provide an authentic scientific experience and includes carefully researched and well-designed notes to help users to get maximum benefit.
Kit topics include: Amazing Animals, Mini Beasts, Sound & Music, the Human Body, Light & Sound, Rocks & Minerals and Magnetism.
Search Spark! Discovery on the Library Catalogue
Summer Reading Club
Each year we run our Summer Reading Club from 1 December through January. Keep an eye out for more info closer to the time.
School Holiday Activities
Each school holidays we host workshops, movies and games for children to enjoy during the holiday breaks. Find what's happening on our Events Page