Information for Book Clubs

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MidCoast Libraries has more than 200 Book Club sets available to borrow.

List of Book Club Sets

How do I join MidCoast Libraries Book Clubs?

You will need a Book Club name, a Coordinator and an email address. The Coordinator is responsible for borrowed Book Club sets, payment of annual invoice and passing on information from the library. We encourage all Book Club members to be MidCoast Libraries members.

What titles do you have?

Titles can be found on the Library Catalogue and by selecting the Book Club sets tab on the left or click here.

How does it work?

Book Club titles are issued for 8 weeks, an extension is available if the title has not been reserved by other Book Clubs. There are 10 copies in each kit with an additional 2 copies available in the general lending collection if required. Each copy of the title is numbered. If copies of the title are lost or damaged, a replacement cost of the whole kit will be charged. Alternatively, the Book Club may source a replacement copy of the title and donate to MidCoast Libraries.

An invoice will be sent to the Coordinator of each Book Club at the beginning of the financial year for $130.00 which is the contribution toward the growth of the Book Club collection. (As per 2024-25 Council fees and charges - may be subject to change without notice.)

Can Book Clubs make purchase requests?

Book Clubs are invited to suggestion an item any time throughout the year. Suggestions must meet the following selection criteria: 

  • Under 400 pages  
  • Rates at least 3.7 on Goodreads or award winning.
  • Must be rated by at least 100 people.
  • Needs to be a topical book for discussion.
  • These websites maybe useful for ideas.

Sydney Morning Herald  Good Reads  Good reading magazine

(Relevant MidCoast Libraries staff make the final decision regarding purchasing of Book Club sets.)

Still got questions?

Speak to your Library branch staff for further information.