Library Leaves - 23
Published on 07 October 2020
This issue of Library Leaves is brought to you by the words ‘click’, ‘anaphora’ and the number ‘four’.
Cool library info: MidCoast Libraries now offers a Click & Collect service, which allows library members to enjoy the collection in a more accessible and convenient way. Members can simply complete an online form with reading/viewing preferences, staff will make selections and borrowers will be notified when their order is ready for collection. The best part, it is completely free! Library members are encouraged to jump online or phone their local branch and take advantage of the options available for adults, kids, teens and HSC students.
Last issue I gave you a cryptic quiz on NSW town names. How did you go? Below are the answers.
A male god - Guyra
An impractical musical instrument - Wollongong
A lot of India food - Tuncurry
A sticky letter - Taree
One short of a cricket team - Tenterfield
She’s royalty - Queanbeyan
A bovine card sharp - Bulahdelah
This place can be hard work - Grafton
A well established drinking hole - Old Bar
Would you gamble on visiting here? - Casino
Did these make you groan? Have you got any of your own to test us out?
The other day I heard someone refer to New Zealand as our nearest neighbour and I wondered if that was true. Turns out not, except in a curious way. In the traditional sense, our nearest neighbour is Papua New Guinea (six km separate us, at Boigu Island). But .... we also have four land borders. Where? In Antarctica! Australia claims sovereignty over two areas, giving us direct borders with New Zealand, Norway and two with France. Weird trivia fact.
Rhetoric word for this issue: Anaphora- repetition of a word or phrases at the beginning of successive sentences or phrases.
Portuguese phrase: 'Mamãe é uma anáfora, um tipo de urna grega?' (‘Mum is an anaphora a type of Greek urn?’)
French phrase: ‘La recherche et vous trouverez la réponse. La recherche et la vérité sont là. La recherche et la porte s’ouvriront.’ (‘Research and you’ll find the answer. Research and the truth is there. Research and the door will open.’)
Have you ever seen Mitchell and Webb? Some great skits. Here’s a taster
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