Library Leaves - 2
Published on 17 February 2021
This edition of Library Leaves is brought to you by the words ‘wilderpeople’ and ‘Klingon’ and the number 21.
Thank you for all the travel advice on heading to South Australia and for requests to check in on former local residents. If we do get around to going it’s sure to be an experience-rich trip.
Some great news for the Harrington community. Council has agreed to a new trial arrangement that will be the first of its kind in NSW. With a mixture of staffed opening hours and community swipe-card access Harrington residents will be able to use the library for 21 extra hours. We hope to have this up and running by late March. Lucky Harringtonites.
How did vegetables get such a bad rap? I was watching one of my favourite movies and check out the treatment vegetables got here. Give veggies a break.
What is/are your favourite movie(s)?
Word of the week: oxymoron. A cracker of a word. An oxymoron is a figure of speech where contradictory words appear in conjunction - like awfully pretty.Here’s a list of ones I think are seriously funny (that’s another oxymoron btw):
Business ethics
Civil service
Government organisation
Marital bliss
United Nations
Military intelligence
Here’s a photo I once took that is as close to an oxymoron as a photo can get. Sad? Ironic?
Dad joke: when my wife told me to stop impersonating a flamingo I had to put my foot down.
No French this week, because I found an English to Klingon translator.
Klingon phrase: ngoHpu’bogh vay’ vIleghlaHbe’ (English: I love that someone created this)
If you don’t know what Klingon is you need to get a life ... or possibly you already have one that doesn’t need Klingon.
Live long and prosper.
Djurumi. Gapu.