Library Leaves - 7

Published on 28 April 2021



This edition of Library Leaves is brought to you by the words ‘parking’ and ‘obnoxious’ and the number 25.

We are closing on Monday 3rd May for a staff development day.Due to the geographical distance of our service and to allow all staff to get together we must close for the day.

If you don’t follow the library on Facebook you’re missing out on some great content. Not only does it keep you up to date, there’s some really entertaining posts. Like 25 Great Insults from 18th Century British Slang. How could you miss out on that? You’d have to be an addle-pated blunderbluss.

Here’s some great news. The annual library statistics for 19/20 have come out. Not surprisingly, thanks to pandemic and bushfire closures, our loans dropped by 6%, but let’s think about that. We were closed for 25% of the year. The rest of NSW, most of whom weren’t impacted by bushfires, dropped 14%. In a weird kind of reverse race MidCoast Libraries led the pack by declining the least!

It does make my smile when I hear a malapropism (wrong word in an amusing context). An arborist I was speaking to recently consistently referred to obnoxious weeds. He was right, they were pretty obnoxious ... as most noxious weeds are. Do you know any malaprops?

I recently saw a very average attempt at parking. It made me wonder how bad people could be at parking. Turns out to be impressive: Check this out!

Word of the week: obfuscate - to make unclear - a word that lives up to its name, since most folks don’t know what it means.

Favourite saying I’ve heard this week: I’m going to hype the hyperbole. Reminded me of former president Trump. Can’t imagine why.

Dad Joke #1 (old family joke): Once upon a time there were three bears .... Now look how many there are.

Dad Joke #2 (new family joke): What’s the difference between a knight and a reindeer? One slays the dragon, the other drags the sleigh on.

French: Maman, puis-je utiliser la voiture? (Mum, can I have the car?)

Klingon: qaStaHvIS ramvam, chIrgh VIHoHtaHvIS (Sure, I left it near the boat)

Djurumi. Gapu.

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